The Angel of Allegheny County
by Alec Silberblatt directed by Daniella Caggiano produced by the New Wave Theater Collective In a small borough of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, a community swirls with rumors about Donna, a nurse who may or may not have taken part in a sinister act many years ago. Her questionable past leads a few women in town to solicit her help. Daniella Caggiano directs this twisted comedy about four women grappling with grief, friendship, and an open secret. |
"The Angel of Allegheny County is truly a theatrical work of art"-- Kristen Morale. Read the rest of this amazing review here.
Listen to us talking about The Angel of Allegheny County on the podcast Broadwaysted here.
Listen to us talking about The Angel of Allegheny County on the podcast Broadwaysted here.
Workshop of Alec Silberblatt's The Angel of Allegheny County at Jimmy's No. 43